Thursday, March 27, 2014

And We're Back!

Wow, holy blog silence, right? I have a feeling I'll have more time for this now- being that I'm unemployed. Voluntarily.
Let me take you a step back: I quit the day job I've had these last 5 1/2 years so that I can go back to school. I know people can handle school and a job simultaneously and while it would have been hard I could have done it. I might not have liked it but I could have done it. What I couldn't deal with though was the feeling that I wasn't doing anything I was passionate about. I wasn't using enough of my strengths in my day to day routine. This left me feeling drained at the end of the day. Honestly I had felt that way for a long time but didn't know what to do. I loved the people I worked with. The leadership was amazing. Benefits and hours were great. Yet, my heart wasn't in it. It was just a job.
So fast forward through to these last two weeks where it's just been me and the cats playing house. I start school in May. I'm looking at graphic design/brand consulting. I'm really excited and very blessed that I have the opportunity to do this.
Whew! With all of that out there now let's take a look at what I have also been doing... you know besides entertaining the cats and cleaning the house and finding any excuse to get OUT of the house.

-Polyvore contests. I LOVE project decorate.
I have been having a lot of fun though submitting entries for Mimosa Lane- her style is awesome. Hopefully my interpretation does it justice.

Modern Edge for the Classic Eclectic

I'm on the Edge

Modern Edge

Modern Edge by The Revelatory

So that's it really! Now, about that blog signature...